Which My Little Pony Are You?


You are Minty, the deeply stupid one. The world passes you by and you just sit there with a vacant stare on your face. Close your mouth before you start catching flies.

E ja korkad? kolla själv vilken pony du är här.


Postat av: Natalie

Haha, jag blev "Dazzle Surprise, the mail-orden one" :P

2008-05-18 @ 17:08:26
URL: http://Ntm89.blogg.se
Postat av: Sanna

Ha en fin kväll :)

2008-05-18 @ 17:13:21
URL: http://sannawiberg.blogg.se
Postat av: Walesaren

You are Wysteria, the one they never suspect. You're the quiet type, so sweet and cute. No one knows that underneath your serene exterior you have murder in your heart. Someday soon your neighbors will be on the evening news saying how friendly and quiet you seemed, and how they never suspected a thing.

...bara som en varning, moahaha. Lila, så fint! :D

2008-05-18 @ 17:33:55
Postat av: Sofi!

You are Pinkie Pie, the adult film star! Sure, you're just working your way through college, but those photos of you with GI Joe are really going to hamper your law career. Don't worry, you can always fall back on having sex for money in front of a camera.

Va fan?????????
Det där är ju inte jag för fem öre liksom!!!!!

2008-05-18 @ 18:05:59
Postat av: Emma

You are Dazzle Surprise, the mail-order one. Like some Russian mail-order bride, you taunted us from the Hasbro website. You travelled across the country to reach us. Those of us who waited to long to send away for you were sadly disappointed and must now pay big bucks for you on eBay!

2008-05-18 @ 18:12:15
Postat av: Maddolin

You are Dazzle Surprise, the mail-order one. Like some Russian mail-order bride, you taunted us from the Hasbro website. You travelled across the country to reach us. Those of us who waited to long to send away for you were sadly disappointed and must now pay big bucks for you on eBay!

2008-05-18 @ 18:17:41
Postat av: Walesaren

Jag tyckte inte heller att mitt stämde. hade en känsla av att det var att jag kryssade i på fiender secretive..så jag ändrade det och då fick jag:
You are Baby Pink Sunsparkle, the endangered minor! No one knows what you're doing living alone in the big castle, but someone needs to step up and take responsibility before your underage drinking gets completely out of hand. You're just looking for Mommy.

Jag gillar inte det här testet!!! :P

2008-05-18 @ 20:07:08
Postat av: Emma

haha! jag gjorde oxå en gång till! å nu så! :P

You are Sparkleworks, the pyromaniac. They can confiscate your lighter, but they can't break your spirit (besides, you've got a backpack full of matches and lighter fluid). It's all about the fire...burn, baby, burn!

2008-05-18 @ 21:17:24
Postat av: A-M

Emma, den stämmer ju =D

2008-05-19 @ 20:08:03
URL: http://juldagsbarnet.blogg.se/

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